When the world came to an end, there was almost no one left to tell the tale. Cities burned, seas evaporated, and the earth itself broke into a thousand pieces.

All seemed lost... except for one goat. its name was GOATTIE, an animal who, against all odds, had survived the hecatomb thanks to its cunning.

As the sky filled with ash and the ground became inhospitable, GOATTIE did not lament. Instead, IT climbed rubble, rummaged through ruins and, above all, thought. It was a common goat, strange in appearance, but with an extraordinary vision: if the Earth was finished, the only safe place was up there, where the moon shone.

For months, it collected metal parts, machine fragments and any scrap IT could find. GOATTIE learned to activate solar panels by nibbling them in the right places and to assemble biogas-powered engines... with a fuel produced by ITSELF, of course. As its makeshift rocket took shape, the few surviving animals stared at its in disbelief.

-”LETSGOAAAT,” IT told them, with a mixture of confidence and madness in his bleating.

The day came. With the roar of ITS homemade rocket, propelled by ingenuity and a good dose of stubbornness, GOATTIE took off. The sound of ITS cry echoed for the last time on Earth: an apocalyptic LETSGOAAAAT that bid farewell to the last living being on the planet.